JAMB Area of Concentration for C.R.S 2025/2026

JAMB Area of Concentration for C.R.S 2025/2026 will boost your chances of scoring better especially as an Art student.
Having understood how daunting it can feel to prepare for the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) exams, especially when you have multiple subjects to tackle, we have outlined approved areas by JAMB you should concentrate on for ease.
The Area of Concentration for C.R.S. helps guide your studies and directs your focus toward the most crucial topics you need to succeed.
This article will help you understand the JAMB Area of Concentration for C.R.S. 2025/2026 and provide useful tips for making the most of this guidance as you prepare for the exams.
Is JAMB Area of Concentration for C.R.S Mandatory?
While it’s not strictly mandatory to study based on the JAMB Area of Concentration, it’s highly recommended.
The JAMB Area of Concentration is essentially a syllabus designed by JAMB to outline the topics you’re expected to know for each subject.
Using it doesn’t guarantee that you’ll score perfectly, but it provides a structured guide on which topics JAMB considers important for C.R.S.
This can simplify your preparation because instead of trying to cover every single detail, you focus on areas that JAMB might test.
The syllabus provided by JAMB includes detailed sections on biblical teachings, moral lessons, and theological insights, all of which are part of the C.R.S Area of Concentration.
The Area of Concentration highlights topics that have shown up repeatedly in past exams or are relevant to JAMB’s approach to testing C.R.S knowledge.
JAMB Area of Concentration for C.R.S 2025/2026
For the 2025/2026, JAMB has provided an Area of Concentration for C.R.S. that covers topics from both the Old and New Testaments, as well as Christian ethics.
Let’s break down some key sections you’ll need to focus on for the C.R.S. exam.
- Themes from Creation to the Division of the Kingdom
- The Sovereignty of God
- The Covenant
- Leadership Qualities
- Divine Providence, Guidance, and Protection
- Parental Responsibility
- Obedience and Disobedience
- A Man After God’s Own Heart
- Decision-Making
- See also JAMB Areas of Concentration for Use of English 2025/2026
- Themes from the Division of the Kingdom to the Return from Exile and the Prophets
- Greed and Its Effects
- The Supremacy of God
- Religious Reforms in Judah
- Concern for Judah
- Faith, Courage, and Protection
- God’s Message to Nineveh
- Social Justice, True Religion, and Divine Love
- Holiness and Divine Call
- Punishment and Hope
- Themes from the Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles
- The Birth and Early Life of Jesus
- The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
- Discipleship
- Miracles
- The Parables
- Sermon on the Mount
- Mission of the Disciples
- The Great Confession
- The Transfiguration
- The Triumphal Entry and the Cleansing of the Temple
- The Last Supper
- The Trials and the Death of Jesus
- Resurrection, Appearances, and Ascension of Jesus
- Jesus’ Teachings About Himself
- Love
- Fellowship in the Early Church
- The Holy Spirit and the Mission of the Church
- Opposition to the Gospel Message
- Mission to the Gentiles
- Themes from Selected Epistles
- Justification by Faith
- The Law and Grace
- New Life in Christ
- Christians as Joint Heirs with Christ
- Humility
- Forgiveness
- Spiritual Gifts
- Christian Giving
- Civic Responsibility
- Dignity of Labor
- The Second Coming of Christ
- Impartiality
- Effective Prayer
- Christian Living in the Community
- Corruption
- Sexual Immorality
Important Information for Candidates Using the Area of Concentration
If you’re using the JAMB Area of Concentration for C.R.S., here are a few things to keep in mind:
- The Area of Concentration outlines the most important topics, so stay focused on these areas. Avoid spending too much time on topics outside the syllabus.
- Don’t just skim through the stories. Take time to understand the meaning behind each event, as questions often go beyond basic details, asking for deeper interpretations.
- Instead of memorizing passages, focus on understanding the themes and messages behind them. This will help you answer questions thoughtfully.
- One of the best ways to prepare is by practicing past JAMB C.R.S questions. This can help you understand the types of questions JAMB tends to ask and how they frame questions around these topics.
- C.R.S. is just one subject in your JAMB exams, so make sure to balance your study time across all your subjects.
In preparing for the JAMB C.R.S exam, the Area of Concentration is your best ally. It ensures you focus on the core themes and teachings that are likely to appear on the exam. Follow this guide carefully, and you’ll be on the path to success in the 2025/2026 JAMB C.R.S.